Tag Archives: city

Country Music Really Does Change Lives

I had come out of a really hard breakup, hard family issues, moved to a new city, and the result was me feeling more alone by the day.  I was in a dark field, the lights sparkling like stars in the sky. It was October 12, 2008, and I was at Soldier Field in Chicago, awaiting Taylor Swift to sing her heart out on the stage. I loved her music, but like I say now, I really began to love it after I left there. I was wishing I could love and trust again, while listening to her songs. Yet I was standing there feeling small and weak, when she came up on the stage. She did a cover of Rihanna’s song, and then said words I will never forget.

“You must believe that someday you will find a love out there that will last a lifetime,” Swift said before strumming on her guitar. Those words completely let up inside me. I can’t explain why. I just realized that she was right. Not everything will end in heartbreak. She pulled me up a bit, just enough so that I was able to believe in love again. It really made a difference in my life, which amuses me, because she’s only a few months older than I am. But these little words completely changed me and reminded me that I could not let myself be in the past and jaded forever.

I took video of that night (not her words, that I know, but of her later songs), but it’s somewhere way buried in my computer (I downloaded the new Windows 7, yay, cause my old one was a trial and expired tonight >.<), so here’s a youtube link:
